ADVISER 603 error - Overlapping Dates

ADVISER errors will need to have the reports edited under the current school year.  You can use override data to do this using the link.

ADVISER pulls the dates from the last finalized forms whether IEP or IFSP.  They will need to be an annual and not periodic. 

If a transfer student uses the IEP from the previous district without making a duplicate and editing the dates for the new school after the transfer, this seems to be when the errors occur. 

The dates are overlapping because of using the IEP dates not the dates the student started at the new school.  By using override, the data can be edited or possibly delete the record if it is not needed.


A new IEP will make a new record.  The previous record will exit the student with a SPED99 (change is status).  The new record will begin on the new IEP date.  Most students will have two records in ADVISER after a new annual IEP or IFSP is added to SRS.

Creation date: 2/23/2022 2:18 PM      Updated: 10/28/2022 11:29 AM