ADVISER 726 error - Multiple SPED Records

ADVISER errors will need to have the reports edited under the current school year.  You can use override data to do this using the link.

A student can have multiple records in ADVISER but only one of them can be active.  All other records must have an exit date and reason.

726: Multiple Special Education Records Reported for a Student
A student has more than one active special education record reported within your district. Please report only a single Active SPED program record for the student, begin date as the effective date for the SPED record in the current school year. If a new record is needed due to changes in the students circumstances (such as placement type) a new record with the most recent begin date can be submitted but previous record needs an end date

Creation date: 5/23/2022 11:08 AM      Updated: 12/14/2022 1:31 PM