If a program participant scores below a 69% on a post-test or final assessment, they will not be able to receive a certificate of completion from the Project Para team until they have passed the assessment with a 69% or higher. It is up to you as a district admin/supervisor however, to determine whether or not to allow retakes. In your MyESU portal (para.myesu.org) dashboard, user scores will show in green if passing, and red if failed.
How do I allow for retakes?
If you choose to allow retakes,
- participants will need to reach out to their "supervisor" (or "district admin" if person is serving in both roles) to request a "retake".
- Supervisors will need to bring up the Para's "progress report" under "Manage Users" in their MyESU portal (para.myesu.org).
- Supervisor will select the green "Retake" button.
From here, a participant will have access to attempt the quiz again. Project Para has no rules against allowing retakes, or the number of retakes allowed. We leave that to the discretion of each individual district/organization. Once all assessments have been completed above 69%, a certificate of completion will be issued to them via email as well as both their MyESU portal and your own.
To be clear, retakes are only necessary for post-tests if failed and seeking a certificate of completion from the Project Para Team. If certificates of completion are being designed and distributed locally, via an individual district/organization's specific standards for completion, you are able to construct these to best fit your own needs. Pretests will never need to be retaken, even if/when failed. Pretests do not factor into grades or final scores in any way, shape, or form. They have been included in our instructional design to identify growth over time as a participant continues in the program.
In the example below, the Para educator does not need to retake the quiz.
- The Pretest failed at 61% and is red. There is no expectation of understanding prior to self-study instruction. Pretests are not included in final grade.
- The Posttest passed at 75%. It is green.
- The retake button is available if your district wants to use a different value for scoring. Using alternate values is an option however for any values lower, participants would not earn a certificate of completion from the Project Para team. If alternative values were set to higher expectations, users would still earn their certificates.