Access Levels / Roles

Creation date: 2/21/2022 3:02 PM    Updated: 5/9/2023 1:31 PM

SRS users are given different levels of access based on what the district has granted to them.  

Each role has different levels of access associated with them.  The hierarchy of roles is as follows from the highest power to the lowest.

1. District Manager

District Information: full access

School Information: full access

Personnel Information: full access, add/remove access

Students Information: full access

Student Team: add/remove members

Forms: view/edit/create/unfinalize

Access and Override ADVISER reports

Only District Managers can add or remove other District Manager’s access

2. Associate District Manager

Has all District Manager access except…

They cannot unfinalize forms unless the Optional District Setting to allow Associate District Managers to unfinalize forms is turned on.

They cannot add or remove District Manager access.

3. School Manager

School Information: full access

Personnel Information: activate account, add/remove access

Students Information: full access

Student Team: add/remove members

Forms: view/edit/create

4. Associate School Manager

Has all School Manager access

5. Student Manager

Once assigned as Student Manager to a student, they can…

Students Information: add/edit

Student Team: add/remove members

Forms: view/edit/create 

• Can be assigned as a student's Case Manager

6. Student Team Member

Once assigned to a Student Team, they can…

Students Information: edit

Forms: view/edit/create (depending on permission granted)

7. Service Coordinator

Personnel that work with children aged Birth to 2 and families of these children.  Once assigned to a Student Team, they can…

Students Information: edit

Forms: view/edit/create (depending on permission granted)