ADVISER SPED99 - Change in SPED Record

Creation date: 2/22/2022 3:08 PM    Updated: 10/28/2022 11:26 AM

ADVISER errors will need to have the reports edited under the current school year.  You can use override data to do this using the link.

Code SPED99 means that there was a Change in SPED record only, Not an Exit. - The student is not actually exiting from SPED. A change in the SPED record needs to be indicated due to changes in the student’s circumstances. If used, the NDE will expect an additional SPED record to be published immediately following.

Any time an IEP or IFSP is finalized, SRS will create a new SPED report to publish to ADVISER based on the newly finalized IEP/IFSP.  The Begin Date on this SPED report will correspond to when the new IEP/IFSP comes into effect.  SRS will then edit the previous SPED report and enter an Exit Date equal to one day before the new SPED report's Begin Date and an Exit Reason of SPED99 to signify an update in SPED records.

Any time we see SPED99 there should be a follow up record that is either...

A) Active - this is indicated by a record with no exit date and no exit reason

B) Inactive - this is indicated by a record with an exit date and an exit reason code that is not SPED99

Students continuing Special Education services from the previous year will almost always have multiple records publishing to ADVISER.  The first one will typically have the Begin Date = 07/01/202X which indicates the data is coming from the IEP they were on the previous school year that is being carried over into the current school year.  At some point in the school year, that IEP/IFSP will expire at which point they will be put on a new IEP or exit from Special Education.

For this reason, the SPED99 loop will continue until they age out or exit SPED.