Transition Plan issues

Creation date: 3/14/2022 1:08 PM    Updated: 8/28/2024 7:51 AM

Postsecondary Transition plans are required when the student reaches 14 years of age.

o The first question when creating a new IEP is a Yes, include postsecondary transition plan in IEP or No.

o The second question is for importing data.  This will be blank or duplicate depending on which you chose.

If you confirm after selecting yes and either option for importing, you will get the pop up below.

If you say yes to the message and Begin a Transition Plan, this is an irreversible change and all future IEPs must contain a transition plan.

If this has been added to a student's forms, you will need to put a sentence description for NDE.  You can discuss with your district whatever sentence description you prefer to state that this is not needed at this time.
