District Manager as a Student's Case Manager on the Edit Student screen

With the updated access levels in SRS, a district manager will need the student manager access as well district manager.  This is to help when there is a change in staff that the case manager does not get removed without being replaced in the system for the student. 

If the change is for you:

  • Go to the Personnel tab
  • Click on New Access Level Request

*****Once completed, if you do not see an activate button, please put in a help desk ticket so we can activate the case manager option for you.

If the change is for personnel at your district:

  • Go to the Personnel tab
  • Personnel Search
  • Find the person
  • Click on Access Level tab
  • Click on the blue Add to District and request student manager
  • Refresh page if needed and select Activate

Creation date: 6/20/2022 2:34 PM      Updated: 1/4/2023 2:30 PM
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