New District/School in SRS (Part 2)

The district will need to contact NDE at to officially request a new number for the new school.  

Then to add a new District or School

  • Log into SRS
  • Click on the Admin tab and Create District/School

To Create a District

  • Click on the create district button.
  • You will need the District ID.  
  • This is the four-digit middle part of the county-district number issed by the NDE.
If you are not able to create a district, please open a help desk ticket so we can set this up for you.


To Create a School

  • Click on the create School button.
  • You will need the School ID.  
  • By selecting the district in the dropdown, you have added the county-district section of the ID.  
  • The School ID is three digits and is the last part of the county-district number issued by NDE.

Creation date: 6/21/2022 10:51 AM      Updated: 1/31/2023 9:28 AM
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