504 Access Level
SRS users are given different levels of access based on the access levels granted to them.
Student Manager is the only access level needed for working with the 504 forms.
Once the request for the access level is made, the district manager will need to activate the access level and then assign the person to the student’s team.
Once assigned to a Student Team, they can…
• Edit the Student’s Information
• View or Edit or Create Forms (depending on access granted)
When creating a new student, the edit student screen will require a case manager. This is the person overseeing all of the student’s data.
• If they are a 504 only, it will be the 504 person.
• If they are an IDEA only, it will be an IDEA person.
• If they are in both IDEA and 504, they may have a case manager listed from either IDEA or 504.