MyESU portal log-in trouble?
If you receive an error message that indicates no account/record
can be found, - confirm that you have submitted a request for an account
- verify you have waited 24 hours (if necessary) for district admin to approve your account request. Must be "approved" before user credentials will be activated. Can take up to 24 hours.
- contact "supervisor" or "district admin" to inquire if they have "approved" your account request.
- If they indicate "yes", and you are still unable to log in, contact your district/institution’s IT/Tech Support team to check on network security filters that might be in place. At times, a districts or institution’s security measures may restrict your ability to access the new Project PARA systems.
- Once able to log in, be sure to finish your registration by creating a new password when prompted.
- If still unable to log in, submit a "help ticket" by contacting the Project Para support team through the "Contact Us" button at Providing screenshots and as detailed a description of the problem, steps you navigated to resolve the problem (if able), and timeline under which you navigated troubleshooting efforts.
Canvas LMS log-in trouble?
- Sign into your MyESU portal at, if you haven't already. This step is what syncs your work in Canvas to your reporting dashboard that is shared with your supervisor/district administrator in the MyESU portal.
- Log into Canvas ( with same email and the password you created at the log in.
- If issues persist, submit a "help ticket" by contacting the Project Para support team through the "Contact Us" button at Providing screenshots and as detailed a description of the problem, steps you navigated to resolve the problem (if able), and timeline under which you navigated troubleshooting efforts will support a speedy resolution.
Not receiving e-mails from Project Para?
- Ensure your email is typed correctly.
- Check your spam/junk folders.
- Contact your district/institution’s IT/Tech support team to see if network security filters might be blocking these from coming through. Verify (MyESU portal) and (Canvas LMS) domains are "whitelisted" in their systems. At times, a districts or institution’s security measures may restrict your ability to access the new Project PARA systems.
- Submit a "help ticket" by contacting the Project Para support team through the "Contact Us" button at Providing screenshots and as detailed a description of the problem, steps you navigated to resolve the problem (if able), and timeline under which you navigated troubleshooting efforts will support a speedy resolution.
Site not loading or displaying
- Try a different browser to access the MyESU portal and/or Canvas LMS.
- Try a different device to access the MyESU portaland/or Canvas LMS.
- Try a different network (home v. school) to access the MyESU portaland/or Canvas LMS.
- Try clearing your browser history and caches.
Para will display like this with the purple header, boxes and images.