PARA now operates on two systems:
Digital privacy and data security is a necessary requirement for any public digital course design. In keeping with the changing times, a single system approach was no longer sustainable to ensure data protections at the levels the team at Project Para seeks. Thus, the current 2-system design has been developed.
What is the difference between MyESU and Canvas systems?
MyESU ( is a registration and reporting portal where districts and
institutions can:
- register - District Administrators, Paraeducator Supervisors, and Students (Paraeducator Course and/or Supervisor of Para educators Course),
- monitor - their progress in a reporting dashboard, -
- assign retakes - if allowed and necessary, and
- access certificates - of completion once assigned.
When you visit, the screen below will show, allowing you to register for the first time or log in to a previously registered account. All Project Para users have access to this portal (District Admin, Supervisors, Students) though what an individual sees once logged in, will be restricted to their specific organization and role within the program (District Admin, Supervisor, Students).

Canvas is a course management system where the Project
PARA training content is hosted. Canvas is where paraeducators will...
- complete the training and
earn their certification,
- access
training content like lessons, pre- and post-tests, activities, and
- access certificates of completion to verify and validate their completion of training to supervisors and district administrators.

I’m a district administrator, but my role says “observer”. What
does this mean?
As Project PARA now operates via two systems – MyESU and Canvas –
you may see different terms related to your role. When you first register for
Project PARA in MyESU, you are required to select your role as either a
district administrator, supervisor, or student (Para Course or Supervisor of Paraeducators Course). This determines your
accessibility for reporting and registration for your district.In Canvas, district administrators and supervisors are listed as
“observers”, meaning you are simply observing or monitoring your paraeducators
progress through the training and certification process. Observer does not
restrict you from registering paraeducators through the portal. Additionally, if you are a district administrator or supervisor of paraeducators, all student course work will automatically be pulled from Canvas, into your "Dashboard" within your account. This has been done to ensure you have a single point of access for monitoring "student" progress.