In March 2022, Project PARA began a transition
to Canvas, a new course management system. Completed through a multiphase
process, this transition is being completed through a partnership between the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Educational Service Unit Coordinating
Council, and the Nebraska Department of Education.
This document provides instructions on how to register course participants in the Project Para Self-Study program. Once a district administrators registration request is reviewed and approved by the Project Para team, course students may begin to be enrolled through the steps below either by district admin, registered supervisors, or the course students themselves.
Supervisors and Course Students registering themselves:
*This is the best option due to the time limit of 24 hrs to log in after the email invite is sent and to avoid misspellings of name or emails.
- Send them this registration link. Also found at in top navigation bar when "Registration" is selected (prior to district admin log-in).
- Have them complete the next steps as prompted, until complete.
District Administrators enrolling course students:
1. Go to and sign-in. Click on
“Add User” at the top of the page.

2. On the “Add User” page, fill in all
information fields and click the green “Register” button at the bottom of the

There are four options for Roles:
- District Administrator - supervises para course and/or supervisor course students across multiple schools in a district
*Each district should have at least one district admin to approve requests and retakes.
- Supervisor - supervises para course students in a
single school
- Student (Para Course) - user taking the course
*This Student (Para Course) is the main course your users will need.- Student (Supervisor Course) - user taking the "supervisors of paraeducators" course
- There are additional administrative roles
available. Please contact ESUCC to
inquire for further details for the additional options in the system.

3. After clicking the “Register” button, an
automated email will be sent to the paraeducator/paraprofessional notifying
them of their account pending approval and activation.

4. After adding a para participants account,
district administrators will now need to activate the account. Instructions about approving users can be found in
Part 2.5: Approving new users.