New User Note -

Creation date: 11/20/2024 11:39 AM    Updated: 11/20/2024 11:39 AM

The new Project Para course in NDE’s Canvas is the site for all new Paraprofessional training.  This has been created for a more self-serve option for the paraprofessionals.  They are able to retake the tests as many times as needed to complete the modules.  Once completed the Paraprofessional will receive and email with the certificate and also be able to access the completed certificates in Canvas.  This will help save time for the Admins.  

Please have the new paraprofessionals create an account there and work through the modules and tests.  The link below has all of the tutorials for working in the new Project Para in Canvas.

The ESUCC two-website system should not be used unless your paraprofessionals have already started using this version.  They will need to complete those prior to the new year.  

Historical data will be made available for all to access once the current system is shut down.  Paras and the districts will need to keep copies of these certificates for their records.