To save some time, try searching for the student using the Student Transfer option. If they already have a record in SRS, you or your district manager will want to request that file so you have all of the data in one file.
Go to the Students tab and New Student or Edit Student
Fill in the * items.
Select whether the student needs ADVISER reporting or mark the checkbox if excluded.
Once you select Resident County, the District, then School, then Case Manager will display. This must all be filled to move on. Click next when ready. This will take you to the Student Plans tab.
*****A student does NOT need a plan added to be able to add forms in IDEA or 504. You will want to wait to activate the student after you have evaluated and determined the need.
*****If you do not add a plan type when creating the student, you will have to use the Show ALL option in the student search to find the new record.
When complete, click the Save button.
A green bar will pop up saying that the student was created
To find the new student go to Students – Student list and search for the student.
Reminder: If you do not have a plan selected, you will need to Show All in the student search to find them.
*****If you receive an error message saying the State ID is already in use, check the transfer student section under Students - Transfer Students - Request Transfer. You will be able to search by the state ID or name.
Searching by two or three letters of the first and last name is better. You can request all of the records for your student and merge them into one record.
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