Home Page
Once you are logged in, you will see the home page. This will show a listing of:
Check at the log in for new updates from SRS and your district
Student Search
Here you can set your display options. Click on the display options button to display the list. Click the checkbox for each item to display. The more items you have the wider the list. A scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the side to the choose button. Click the display options button again to close the option window.
****This is my preferred list with the Show ALL Students.
****The more items you have in the list then you may not see the choose dropdown. As you can see in the image, the word Choose is just a C.
The choose button has several options in the
dropdown. Click links below image to see additional info.
Edit - Parent/Guardians - Student Team - Student Forms
Other Nav Items
ADVISER reports are under the reports tab. District managers will need to use the override to fix errors in the data.
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