This is a listing of the System Update notifications that have been placed on the home screen of SRS for the 2022 year. Some of them have been recycled so the dates may not reflect the full time these were on the announcements.
Finding Students in SRS. 1/5/2023 1/30/2023
Here is a little trick for finding students. Using the transfer request, you can search through all of the students in SRS.
**If you happen to find multiples for a student, please request and merge the data so all of the student’s data is in one file.
Complete the fields for First Name, Last Name, SRS IS or State ID.
You can use any combination of the 4 fields. Generally, I use the first three letters of the first name and first three letters of the last name. This helps with spelling mistakes and if there are duplicate records for the child then those can be requested and merged also.
Click Search. This will bring up a list of students in SRS matching the data you are wanting.
Holidays Out of Office 12/18/2022 1/3/2023
The ESUCC will be closed from December 22, 2022 to January 3, 2023. We will be back to regular hours on Wednesday, January 4th.
Happy Christmas to All. Have a wonderful break.
"May the best of your past be the worst of your future."
Chrome update 12/7/2022 12/30/2022
Hi all. Just a note if you are having issues...Chrome has an update. If SRS is misbehaving, try restarting your machine and updating Chrome and see if it behaves again.
Progress Report Dates. 11/14/2022 11/29/2022
Please check your district settings. The progress report dates for the next school year need to be in the settings to be able to import them into the new IEPs. Once added, new IEPs will have 4 progress reports if that is what your district uses.
If you are missing progress reports from your IEP, you will need to add them manually. Please work with your district manager to adjust the dates and add progress reports if needed.
504 Coordinators need the Service Coordinator Privilege 11/9/2022 11/29/2022
The 504 is similar to the case manager. To work in the 504 forms the user has to have the service coordinator privilege.
The 504 section in the knowledge base that might help also.
504 Training Sessions 11/6/2022 11/20/2022
The third 504 presentation will be tomorrow Nov. 8th at 1:30 PM Central time. There will be recordings if youtube will allow us to post them.
Join Zoom Meeting:
The Knowledge base has a separate folder for 504. There is a basic SRS training list as well as a 504 on SRS Training Powerpoint.
Scroll Bar Addition on Student Search Page 11/3/2022 11/29/2022
A scroll bar has been added to the student search page. If you can not see your choose button, please check your display options. The very bottom of the list is actions. That will give you the choose dropdown.
The more items you have set to display, the system condensed them and made it hard to read. That is why we added the scroll bar. This is something we are looking at changing more and is on our list of items to edit.
The 504 Edition 10/31/2022 11/29/2022
There are three main changes you will see in SRS.
1. Student Search page has IDEA or 504, IDEA, or 504. It's default is Either IDEA or 504.
2. Forms page has the 504 options at the bottom of the list. It is up to the district whether to use them or not.
3. On the Student profile there is an additional tab to choose the plan type.
Additional pages have been added to the Knowledge base to help work through the changes in the SRS side and the 504. Please open a ticket if you have any questions while working through these changes.
Knowledge Base Changes 10/27/2022 11/29/2022
There is a change to the Knowledge base.
With 504 coming out next week, the Knowledge base is now divided into 3 folders: SRS, ADVISER and 504. More info will be added next week to the 504 section after the roll out.
Batch Print Update watch for popup 10/26/2022 11/9/2022
Just wanted to let you know that the batch print option has been edited. It should auto update now to print the selected reports. You should not need to do the extra clicks that were needed for the work around.
We have found an issue with the batch print. It should be a one time fix on your machine. This is a pop up window that displays your reports before printing.
You will need to unblock this. There will be an icon in your browser bar
similar to this.
You will need to click on the block and select Always allow.
Have a great day.
NDE 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 reports 10/25/202210/30/2022
The 2021-2022 data was locked on 10-2-22. Please have all of your 20221-2022 data updates completed this week.
If you change the records in 2021-2022:
· Having a current ticket open prior to the lockdown on 10-2-22, you will need to edit the data in SRS ADVISER and then add the student name and state ID to the ticket so NDE can update the records.
· Without a ticket prior to 10-2-22, you or one of your staff will need to submit the formal late request using the Consolidated Data Collection (CDC) in the NDE portal with the state IDs of the students to update.
The 2022-2023 data is due 10-15-22. The errors can still be worked on through the audit window.
Progress Reports Do Not Update on Refinalize 10/23/202210/30/2022
Progress reports are generated on the initial finalize. When you unfinalize and refinalize, the progress reports do not change. You will have to edit them manually to correct the dates.
State IDs already in use 10/18/2022 10/30/2022
Just an FYI - with the change in the transfer options made yesterday, you can now look up students by their state IDs. If it is already in use when you try to create a student, you can search in the Students - Transfer students - Request Transfer. You can submit your request there.
Mark Your Calendars - Nov. 1st - 504 and SRS Changes 10/18/2022 11/29/2022
The SRS Advisory board approved the launch of changes to SRS, including the 504 roll out, on November 1st.
The main changes for SRS users will be on three screens. The Knowledge base links below will be updated after the new roll out.
1. Student Search
2. Edit student – three tabs now for data
3. Student forms – two types now IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and 504
The 504 option will be available for all schools to use at the time of launch. If the district chooses not to use it, then it can be turned off.
504 forms created by a district will be transferred along with any SRS forms if they are in SRS. The 504 forms will be viewable even if the new district has disabled 504, however, they will not be able to create new 504 forms.
New Features & Updates! | 10/16/2022 | Trevor Paschall |
What's New: The process of initiating a student transfer has been updated to speed up the process and give you much more control! You can now search for a student state-wide if you know their name, state ID, or even their SRS ID without waiting for the Helpdesk. Feature Enhancements: Emails related to transferring students have been updated with subject lines and additional text to clear up some confusion about the purpose of the email. |
2022-2023 Report is posted 9/25/2022 10/30/2022
The 2022-2023 SRS ADVISER reports are available now under the Reports tab in SRS. The bottom half of the Knowledge base is general ADVISER error fixes.
This is a list of explanations for the questions and misunderstandings that we have had to address during the ADVISER sessions with NDE and SRS ADVISER.
· Each student is different. There can be just one record or multiple depending on how many changes have been made to the student’s file, how many new forms were created, etc. This is why the edits need to be done at the district level. The most current data and records to refer back to are available from the teachers and staff if needed.
· There are two presentations to help explain the data collection. One is a breakdown of the records and how the information is collected. The other is the workday with a video of additional steps that we have used while working with NDE.
· The best way to identify the error is to look at the source in the tools on the right-hand side of the record. Making corrections to the source form will correct the resulting errors.
· If editing the source form does not update automatically, you can override the record’s data.
· If extra records have been created, they can be removed in the tools on the right-hand side of the record.
· If additional records are needed, they can be manually added as well.
· SPED99 is not an error. It is the systems way to indicate a change in the student’s data.
When the report is complete, it will cover the whole school year.
· For the 2021-2022 school year, there should be a record that starts on 7-1-21 and one with the last date for an exit date that would be 6-30-22. If they move into or out of a district, those begin and exit dates will need to match. The dates of service in the school are what are used.
· The 2022-2023 report is ready. Most of the errors should be fixed with the dates going into the next school year.
Knowledge Base and ADVISER error fixes 9/21/2022 10/30/2022
· The suggestion was made to share this as the ADVISER reporting begins. SRS has developed a Knowledge base to walk schools through SRS ADVISER Errors. Below are a few links and some tricks to make checking on errors easier when sorting through any errors that show up on the SRS side in the 'Reports' tab. Hopefully you find this information helpful in resolving issues.
· The knowledge base can be accessed in a separate tab or browser window from the SRS tab. This is the link to the Knowledge Base.
· If the user has never made a ticket, they will need to do so on the help tab in SRS. Once they create a ticket, they will have access to the NebraskaCloud Helpdesk and the KB.
· The SRS ADVISER errors are listed below the SRS items on the 'Help' tab in SRS. They all start with ADVISER in the title.
· This is a breakdown of how the information is collected and changed. This might also be helpful for users.
· Having two browser windows open, one with SRS and one with the Knowledge Base, will make this easier.
· Please share this information with the SIS person in your district that uploads information to ADVISER as well.
NDE File Review 8/21/2022 9/29/2022
· Please do not deactivate or remove NDE File Review from SRS in the Personnel List. They need access at all times.
· If they no longer need access to a specific student, you can remove them from the student team but do not remove them from the status or privileges list.
Feature Enhancements & Updates! | 8/3/2022 | Trevor Paschall |
What's New: Added some highlights, spruced up the student search. Feature Enhancements: Progress Report highlighting is back! Progress reports will now display as highlighted in red until they have been finalized in the forms view. Setting the display options every time you need to look for students is a thing of the past. Set them once and they will greet you each time you log back in or return to the Student Search page. |
Personnel Updates - District Manager with Case Manager Role 7/31/20228/30/2022
· With the recent update to the Personnel tab, District Managers and Assistant District Mangers will need to add Case Manager privileges to their accounts if they need to be a case manager for students. This will ensure that a student always has a case manager assigned to them.
· As the districts are editing the personnel files, please take note if there are multiple accounts for one user. These accounts can be merged into one. Please open a help desk ticket with the name of the person and the login and email that is preferred.
· Privileges can be edited by the district as well. If the school privilege is no longer needed for that user, it can be removed from the list. If this is not accessible as a district manager, please open a help desk ticket and request to remove any of the unneeded privileges from the person's account.
Grade Roll Up 7/18/2022 8/30/2022
· The grade roll up in SRS was completed on July 6th. If you have students that did not get moved, please send in a help ticket with the student(s) names and school and district so we can look into this further.
· Early Childhood does not get rolled up. These would need to be changed manually since those can be multiple years.
Personnel Changes 6/12/2022 8/30/2022
· Just a note as the staff changes from this year to the next - Staff privileges should not be removed. Setting the user as inactive or removed takes away ALL of the SRS access. If the access is to multiple districts, the user will need to be moved to one of the active districts. If you are unsure, please email the user before changing the account. Transfer Personnel Account
SRS and ADVISER Fixes and Tutorials 6/12/2022 7/30/2022
· A Knowledge Base is available in Jitbit. This has steps to some of the basic issues that you may need assistance with in SRS and ADVISER.
· Please feel free to use these as needed and share with your district staff for any questions they may have as well.
SRS and ADVISER Fix Tutorials 5/31/2022 12/30/2022
· Please see the Knowledge Base for help with SRS and ADVISER questions. Most of the fixes are available for you to edit. If something is not included, please let us know and we will see about getting it added to the collection.
· A Knowledge Base is available in Jitbit.
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