504 New User Training List
Getting started
If your district does not use SRS, then you will need to Click here to submit a helpdesk ticket to get started.
If your district uses SRS, you will need to follow the steps below to begin.
Creating a new account
- You will need to request the student manager user access level.
- The district manager or associate district manager will need to activate the account status and add the access level for each district and add edit and/or view to each of the student's teams.
Change password with the steps in the link
How to view/change your personnel info
- You do not need multiple accounts.
- One account can access multiple districts/schools.
- Here's how to request additional access levels
- Display options
- Search features
- Different features of the student list
How to create a new student file
- Search
- Inactive
- Public/Nonpublic
Add Parent/Guardian
There are other items that are SPED related that you may see as you work.